
From idea to product, one lesson at a time. To submit your story:

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Assistive Technology for All

I will get right to the point. I want to help disabled people come closer to technology, whatever that means. I am a software engineer and I have the means, knowledge and will to help.

The facts

One billion people need assistive products today and more than two billion people around the world are expected to need at least one assistive product by 2030 (WHO).

That is at least one sixth of the total population.

Also, personal computers (desktops, laptops, tablets, mobile, e.t.c) have come closer to everyone of us and literally invaded our homes.

Technology is everywhere and has many forms.

Additionally, total number of developers (IT) globally is expected to reach 28.7 million and there is a growing demand for IT professionals.

So, here is…

The main Idea

All people should be able to use technology to their advantage on different aspects of ther lives, personal or professional, efficiently and with less effort.

Disabled or not, people already use several input devices that connect them with the internet such as keyboards, mice, switches, joysticks, gamepads or several other exotic devices.

Also, elder people and all those who are not proficient with the technology, are constantly striving to catch up and most of the time they do not want to or need to learn all those new things… only use them to their benefit hassle-free.

Additionally, professionals need this extra ‘boost’ in order to improve their effectiveness and succeed in their jobs.

IT professionals are already using tools on their computers, however they could also use them better.


How about creating a tool that will help all the people, handle technology easier and faster.

Imagine, being able to handle the browser via a gamepad, or chat with your loved ones with only the computer mouse.

Imagine being able to handle a Screen Reader with only a couple of buttons .

Even more exciting, how about being able to create a personal web page in a matter of few clicks with an input device of your preference.

Lastly, if your are an IT professional, consider using your favourite IDE with your favourite gamepad.

It can be done!


First, I need your help

  1. Do you strive catching up with technology?
  2. Do you find it difficult to handle other assistive products?
  3. Would you welcome the idea of using a different device, which is simpler in order to operate your desktop, laptop or tablet faster with less effort?
  4. How more efficient, do you think you could become if you commanded your IDE to do its job, in a matter of a few clicks?

Also, feel free to send me an email at, with your comments/suggestions about how technology could be simpler to use, in your opinion.

I welcome all feedback


I have the least interest of earning money from this ‘dream’. So, a minimum subscription just enough to cover the expenses from maintaining / supporting the product would be enough. It could also be a one time purchase, but the biggest earn would be for me, if you finally managed to improve your life or get a new job.

We live in difficult times

Lastly, for those who like…

Tech Stuff

This tool is what I have been working on, for the last couple of years, and after a lot of research and creation of several prototypes, the idea matured.

It is mostly going to be a desktop application, and possibly ported to the web in the near future.

For your information, I have tried several technologies i.e


Thank you, for spending the time reading my idea.

I have started making it real and I will be constantly adding new features that will make the final product closer to my dream.

Ah! Did I say that, I am looking forward to your feedback. 😁

Thank you

… and call me Niko.


Published in Bootcamp

From idea to product, one lesson at a time. To submit your story:

Nikolaos Margaris
Nikolaos Margaris

Written by Nikolaos Margaris

FrontEnd Technical Lead, all-around player, experienced but also out-of-the-box thinker. ‘New’ has always something to give and ‘old’ always provides the basis.

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